Transport – TFL – ULEZ


Creation of a commuter fare at a low weekly cost, which will enable travel to and from work, 5 days a week. This ticket will be via an app, and provide the commuter with a time slot and station during which the ultra low ticket will be valid. This will enable TFL to better manage rush hour crowds.


In outer London, TFL will create a new ‘stop and go’ service that uses smaller and more agile buses that will operate from the transport hub (station / depot) to and from peoples streets. Travel will be booked through an app or kiosk terminal, with the route being updated for the driver via a smart IT solution.


The speed limit in London to be raised to 30mph accross London on normal roads and 40mph on dual carriageway roads between the hours of 00:00 and 6:30am. Some exceptions will be made and these will be signposted as ‘20mph at all times’


ULEZ implementation to remain – however, all monies paid can be claimed back by the driver / operator, tax free (minus an admin fee) in order to make an ‘eco – purchase’. This could be a ULEZ compliant vehicle, solar panels, a heat pump, insulation etc.

ULEZ reclaim to be backdated to 5th November 2023.

Consider changing ULEZ charge amount to factor in peoples income, family circumstances and reason for journey.

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