Age: 40
Blood Type: AB-
Birthplace: Nederland
Home: London
Political Affiliation: People

Honesty – Integrity – Kindness – Strength

Hello I’m Serge, 

Thank you for taking a look at my website. Crowbolder isn’t the name I was born with, it’s a literal translation from Dutch few can pronounce. So, I am Serge Crowbolder, the best choice for London Mayor.


I don’t really want to be running for Mayor, or to put it more accurately, I shouldn’t be running for Mayor. Because the politicians should be doing their job. But I’ve heard too many stories of suffering, over too long a period of time, from the people living in my city, not to run. Unfortunately no candidate or party is actually offering a solution to the issues that really matter.


I am not a politician, but I am a negotiator. I feel there are generally two types of politician. Those that will essentially do nothing, bar slow the decline moderately, and those that want to make meaningful changes, but tear down the system in doing so. I believe in the third way, that is to leverage the system in order to benefit the people and the system itself. Law and commerce working in synergy, to make sure everybody wins.


I didn’t have an easy life, but I won’t bore you with the details. What life has taught me is the importance of kindness and patience. For one’s self, towards others and as a value to hold as a society. It is from there that community coalesces.

No stranger to leadership positions, I understand what it means, and the value of, leading from the front.


A family man, who believes in family values, in addition to the rights of those who walk a different path, to do so.


I don’t care about political point scoring and have zero interest in ‘culture wars’. As Mayor I will not be involving myself with national or international issues. Technology has given each of us a voice with reach like never before, Londoners don’t need their Mayor to act as ‘mouthpiece for the city’.


You deserve a task focused Mayor that gets the job done. With your support I will be that Mayor.